According to an article on
"ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- Cancer deaths in the United States have dropped for a second straight year, confirming that a corner has been turned in the war on cancer.
After a decline of 369 deaths from 2002 to 2003, the decrease from 2003 to 2004 was 3,014 -- or more than eight times greater, according to a review of U.S. death certificates by the American Cancer Society."
Wow that's over three thousand lives saved from 2 years ago. And I think the population actually increases during that time!
If you read rest of the article is says that better screening list cited as one of the reasons for the decline in Cancer deaths and specifically screening for colorectal cancer. Please, readers, if your doctor has recommended a colonoscopy as a cancer check go get one. I've had to have two in the last 6 months due to having Crohn's disease so I feel like I can speak as somewhat of an expert on the subject. They are not bad at all. Heck - they knock you out and you don't feel a thing. Ask if your doctor will give you the pill prep (OsmoPrep) instead of the yucky drink. The pill prep is better in my opinion as you then just have to drink a bunch of water and not yucky tasting "GoLytely." or whatever that stuff is called.
Also - I need to get a mammogram. Do you? Lets make a pledge together to go get all the screenings we need. Lets fight cancer!