My 4 year old Ben was enthralled recently by the infomercial for the Pancake Puff pan. The commercial made him instantly hungry for jam filled confectioners sugar coated pancake puffs and he was very disappointed to know that I could only make regular old pancakes for him.
So when I was at Walgreens the other day and saw that they had he actual Pancake puff pan, for pnly 19.99 I was right there and bought it. Ben's been HOUNDING me to make these and I have been avoiding it for about 2 weeks.
Well.... I finally made them this morning and let me tell you they were TASTY. I did some research and discovered that these are some sort of Danish specialty called Aebleskiver (apple puffs). I learned that they can stick and the secret is to use alot of oil in the little holes in the pan.
So, armed with my Shake and Pour Biquick, Polaner Strawberry Allfruit, and Wesson Oil, and Confectioners sugar, I went at it.
I mixed the pancake batter in the shake and pour thing, as per the directions. Those things are handy. I heated up the pan and poured oil in each of the little cups. Then I dropped a bit of batter in each and then stuck some jam on top. I found that if you kind of poke the jam into the batter a little bit it helps it get into the middle of the pancake and not ooze out although some will. Then flip em and pop them out. If you use oil, they don't stick.
I sprinkled powdered confectioners sugar on them and they went like hotcakes. They were yummy and both kids and adults ate them up. I wish I got a picture but they were pretty much gone before I thought of it. :-)