I feel like I have been used as a trampoline. First I have the dreaded migraine hangover from yesterday. I had to cut up oranges for the soccer 1/2 time snack, find the soccer uniform, get everyone ready, and then drag everyone to where the team pictures were being taken. Jin was super helpful by hitting the boys on the head with the soccer ball. He had worse behavior than the boys did.
Then Ben pushed some kid randomly and the "team mom" came over and chewed me out about it. Thanks. Really. They chewed Ben out too, and after that he wandered around the field aimlessly, not really into it anymore. I don't blame him.
They never called half time so I didn't get to hand out the oranges I slaved over cutting. The assistant coach ran backwards into me and stepped on my foot. Ouch.
Now I have to take Ben and the rest of the crabby family to a play date. I hope we can muster up some social graces. Cause I am TIRED. It's Passover tonight and all I have the energy for is a roasted chicken with matzohs on the side.
I need a nap.