When I was a Freshman in college, I remember getting a letter from my friend Sandy, that was a real shocker. I was standing in the mail room at the college office and opened up my letter from my dear old friend with whom I attended Kindergarden through Senior year of High School in Penfield NY. Sandy's letter said "What are you doing for Spring Break? I am getting Married!" I remember quite vividly reeling with the shock of this surprising news and feeling like I was going to keel over backwards and hit my head on the hard floor.
I yelled at Sandy later for letting me know in this manner! Could she have not called me? It would have helped.
Well, it's now 21 years later and Sandy and Jeff are happily married with two beautiful daughters. Jeff is a successful children's musician known as "Big Jeff" and Sandy is an esteemed teacher and school administrator at an environmentally forward thinking school in New Jersey.
Personally, I think a better way to announce that you are getting married would be to go for some gorgeous Wedding Invitations such as this example below from 1st-Class-Wedding-Invitations.com. This site is pretty cool in that you can zoom right in on the invitations and see the actual quality over on the right hand side even to the texture of the paper. I wonder how they programmed that zoom feature?