Obama's new campaign logo looks like the Presidential Seal and says “vero possumus” on it. (Which Madame Boure my 9th grade Latin and French teacher would tell me means "Yes, We Can" in Latin.)
I am pretty sure that most of the rednecks rural mountain dwelling Americans down here in Georgia are going to think that it is talkin' about the little beady eyed animals you are likely to run over on the road. Oh well...
I understand that he is trying to look "presidential" but really its a bit much in my opinion. This is going to be a long election year. My hubby and I have very different opinions on Obama, and I am really trying to keep my open mind at this point, although I am still very excited by Obama's speech giving skills. The good news is that no matter which of the jokesters running wins the election it will mean THE END OF THE BUSH PRESIDENCY which is cause for celebration! That man is a menace to the reputation of America and the meaning of Freedom. But lest I start in on a anti-Bush rant and annoy the heck out of all my Conservative readers. Oh wait, you'all are pissed off at shrub too at this point. Never mind. We are all in agreement -- bring on someone else. ANYONE else. McCain, Obama, either one is looking pretty darn good to me. Even a Possum would be better than that rat in there right now.
I am Marianne of Marianne's Motifs and I authorize.net, that is to say, authorized this blog post because I am a crazy New York Liberal living in Georgia.