Amanda showed me a "Wordle" artwork based on her wedding vows. So I made one based on this blog.
I had a really really HOT Goodwill find this week - Two Wedgwood China Plates in the Blue Siam pattern. I paid $2.02 for them. I got a quote from to sell them to them for $20.00 a piece. They are worth something like $40.00 a piece. I decided to keep them. They are gorgeous and whenever have I owned a piece of Wedgwood China before? Like never.
Good fortune has been coming my way very well, thank you to the powers above. I am expecting a free pearl necklace for me to review for you guys any day now. I have sold quite a few books on, and even sold my no longer needed TV remote on Ebay.
My kids are smart, sweet, and growing like weeds. Adam spend about 1/2 an hour typing words on my laptop last night - the world better watch out for that one! Ben is very excited about school and today at "Summer Camp" he went trout fishing. I believe he is going to come home with a fish for me to cook. Oh boy! I think its fish sticks night.
My job and hubby's job are both going well. I rolled out 2 new websites today. That was fun - I like getting out my "Apache Cookbook" and messing around with the httpd.conf files and stuff. Makes me feel macho.
Now - if I could just get rid of the headache I have had for 3 days I would be PERFECT. I am going to offer my services as a human barometer to the Weather Channel. I think until the expected thunderstorms come through ATLANTA GA WEATHER its not going to go away. Ouch.