Ok folks, if for some reason you have not yet registered to vote it's very easy at the Rock The Vote Voter Registration web page.
Yesterday my Comcast email was full and all my mail never made it to me - so if you sent me anything important, well... send it again. It turns out you actually have to "empty the trash." Wow. Good thing I am an email expert and all so I can be on top of these details.
Did you ever just want to rent a dumpster or moving pods and totally clean out your basement? That is where I am mentally right now. The worst part is that about 50% of the stuff in there is Melissa's so I have to put the strong arm on her to find someplace else for it. I want to finish finishing the basement. Of course I have no money for this little project but a girl can dream, right?
We might have some extra family staying with us for a while... I won't say anything more for fear of jinxing the deal. People need to talk and arrangements need to be made before anything is settled.
Well...I have to go get to the office now. Cheers