How to Make a Knit Dumpling Bag
I am experimenting with making a blog post from Flickr. This is my first attempt. Pretty easy - since I upload photos to Flickr when I want to post them to Ravelry (Ravelry uses only a Flickr account) I have my knitting pics up there.
Typepad makes it very easy to upload photos to your blog - that's one of my favorite features and reasons I don't mind paying a monthy fee for their service. I really want to be able to take pics and video on my cell phone and post them to the blogs though. My current cell phone doesn't have a camera. I have been eyeing different "toys," I mean cell phones that will work with Typepad and or Flickr to make blog posts on the run. I guess since I am a semi-pro blogger... (Hey - I have made $10.35 in google ads so far, scoff not. Well, scoff a little)
I keep thinking I will show up in some news worthy moment and have some great cell phone video to post or something. LOL. You never know.