College Football in the South is more than just a football game, its a way of life. People treat their school team affiliation second only to their religion in level of fervor. Perhaps more.
I had a fun time at the game, but not being a "rah rah go team" kind of person, I just can't seem to pick a football team to belong to and really feel fervent about. As far as NFL goes, I support the Bills, because being from Rochester, Buffalo is a stones throw away and that is supporting my home town team. I am rooting for the Jacksonville Jaguars because David Garrard is my personal hero as a guy who does not let Crohn's disease keep him from throwing the ball like a genius.
Anyway... here are a couple of pictures from my trip to Auburn and experience at the game.
Upside down band formation during God Bless America:
Nova the Eagle trained to circle the stadium before each game:
Peyton Manning (Tennessee Alum) was at the game. Peyton is the tall guy in the orange and white striped shirt just below the corner of the white box: