We flew back to Atlanta yesterday. There were some major delays in Atlanta due to rain and fog, so it took us about 9 hours between leaving my parents and getting home. The kids were amazingly resilient and behaved really well. The Rochester airport has a great kids play area that really helped out. What a great idea!
There were people scheduled on our flight who were missing their connecting flights in Atlanta and were being told that they had to wait till Monday (2 days later) to get another flight. What a mess. And because it was due to weather they were not even offering to pay for a hotel or anything else.
The stock market is so low right now there are a lot of good deals to be had. My mom has been shopping for bonds to provide income now that they are both retired. With the bond market in the tank there are actually bargains to be had. She was on the phone with her broker doing some telephone and online trading right before the markets closed for the holidays.
My car needs a new battery so tomorrow Jin and I have some major errands to run before we go back to work on Tuesday. From looking at my work email it seems that while I was out just about everything broke. I hope they missed me and realize how much I do there.