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My Top 10 Blogger Wish List
To get into the holiday spirit I am going to make a wish list of things that could help me with my blogging. Now that I am between jobs, I am finding blogging to be not only a wonderful outlet for my creative energy, but also a actual source of income. Its interesting to see how much money I can make now that I have lots of time to dedicate to the blogs.
I actually have 3 blogs, about 5 Squidoo web lenses, and a new domain not yet set up. I am quite excited about the possibilities as I have discovered that there are a number of affiliate programs and blog ads that can help a blogger out.
1. Upgrade my Typepad account for more custom templates.
2. Set up Dreamhost account for (Coming soon to a web browser near you)
3. Get approved for so I can make some dollars writing.
4. Logitech Wireless Microphone for use with #5 below. (Check out the video listed above where the guy blogs from outside with his wireless mic while his computer is INSIDE.)
5. Dragon Naturally Speaking software so I can type by talking and write faster to make more money. Tip: here is a $25 Coupon Code DNSMSBG -Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard
6. Improved page ranking from the big wigs at the big G.
7. Lots of ideas for writing essays and articles.
8. Time and energy to re-design mariannesmotifs for a better look and cleaner feel.
9. Great keyword ideas.
10. More Amazon orders! Please use my search box to right to start your holiday shopping. I get a small commission thanks!
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