I really feel like I will get a good job offer soon. All sorts of small pieces of good things are coming my way (in a stark change from the sort of lousy luck I have had for the last couple of years).
1. I have an opportunity to review a book from Frecklebox. They make the most adorable personalized books for kids with their own name spelled out throughout the book.
2. I am taking part in 2 BzzAgent campaigns. One is for Scrubbing Bubbles daily shower cleaner, and the other is for Chili's Guiltless Grill. How fun is that - I am going to get free dinner from Chilis. I love their Guiltless Gourmet Turkey burger so this is an easy thing for me to talk about. And Chilis is a decent place to take the kids. They have a family friendly atmosphere where you don't feel like you are going to get yelled at for taking kids.
And now for the nature photo portion of today's blog post:
Here is a picture of a woodpecker who is eating my next door neighbor's chimney. Look at this darn thing! It was in my chimney one day and I came outside and banged a broom on the side of the house until it flew away. I had my chimnney checked by the chimney cleaners and they said it wa sealed up and there was no way a woodpecker was in it. I beg to differ!