After staying home with Ben yesterday I am now achy and sniffly. Yuck - I have caught the cold. So as I was sitting here drinking a glass of low acid Tropicana orange juice (does not bother my Crohn's or Acid Reflux - yay!) I started thinking about what other sources of vitimin c or zinc I should try.
My buddy at the ex job was telling me that Zicam works really well. Tomorrow perhaps I will stop and pick some up. I know that acia is a berry they say has very strong antioxident propetties like pomegranite. I had acai in a smoothie once and it was sour and a bit bitter. Not something you want to eat for the taste alone I guess. A lot of people promote acai berry products for weight loss but I think its better to add it to your diet as a general anti-oxident for anti aging and cancer fighting.
Did you know that acai berries come from one of the same trees that produces hearts of palm? It is amazing what you can learn on Wikipedia.