Wall Street had a little rally, and my job search had a little rally. I have a second follow up phone interview set up for tomorrow morning, and a first interview set up for Friday. I also got a call from a recruiter regarding a 3 month contract they wish to submit me for. I hope that one of these opportunities comes through for me soon.
I am knitting 2 socks at a time on 2 circular needles. It's kind of like knitting an octopus, but at least when I am done I will have the whole pair finished. I am not sure I could face knitting a sock and then having to turn around and do another one.
I had the 2 circular needles for this already (inherited from 2 grandmothers and 1 moms knitting needles) I like knitting with these needles, they have a good feeling about them somehow. Like family.