I get a lot of web hits for "crohn's migraine" so I know I am not the only one blessed with these two lovely afflictions. In the interests of sharing and caring here are some of the home remedies I have tried.
I am in no way a medical professional so let me preface this list with a standard disclaimer: if these don't work for you stop doing them and see your doctor.
Ok - - now for the migraine "cures."
Coffee - stronger the better.
Migrelief - B2 (riboflavin) and feverfew supplement. My neurologist says this makes migraines 50% less strong for 50% of people. You take the stuff every day and it will take some time to see effects. Like 3 months.
5 hour energy seems to have a good effect on my headaches. Good for eeking out the day when you simply can't got to the dark room to pray for death.
Here's one from my buddy Amanda. Be careful not to make yourself pass out. Put your feet in hot hot water and put a cold cold ice pack on your head. The has the effect of making the blood rush to your feet and out of your head. (Thus note the not passing out part) I recoomend a spotter for this just in case.
When the home remedies fail - Ibuprofen or pain relief of your choice. RX goodies include maxalt, relpax, imitrex, topamax (also known as dopamax for its brain stupifying side effects) and other more serious pain killers as can be prescribed. See neurologist for more details.
When none of the above work - consider poking your eye out with a rusty spoon.