School starts early in Georgia. The first day of school in our county is August 11th and Ben's open house is on the 6th.
The 2009 Georgia Sales Tax Holiday is July 30th-Aug. 2nd.
List of Tax Free Items Remember that diapers, pull ups and sleep pants are all tax free.
School Supply List for First Grade
First Grade:
12 #2 pencils (no shiny metallic or mechanical)
1 pencil pouch or small pencil box (optional)
2 boxes of crayons (16-24 count)
2 boxes of colored pencils (8 or 12 count)
1 box of markers (8 or 12 count)
1 pair of Fiskars scissors
6 glue sticks
2 boxes of Ziploc bags per below:
Last names A-H - Jumbo size
Last names I-O - Quart size
Last names P-Z Pint size
2 boxes of tissues
1 bottle of liquid hand soap or hand sanitizer
2 containers of Clorox wipes – boys
2 containers of baby wipes - girls
1 backpack (no wheels)
Please, no Trapper-Keepers or notebooks