Lubna Hussein, one of 13 women arrested July 3rd in Sudan for wearing pants in opposition to strict Islamic law, showed immense bravery by wearing the same outfit to court that she was arrested for wearing. She is facing a cruel and inhumane punishment of 40 lashes for wearing "indecent" trousers."
"This is not a case about me wearing pants," said Hussein, who works in the media department of the U.N. Mission in Sudan and contributes opinion pieces to a left-leaning Khartoum newspaper.
"This is a case about annulling the article that addresses women's dress code, under the title of indecent acts. This is my battle. This article is against the constitution and even against Islamic law itself," she said after the hearing.
Lubna is beautiful and by her picture, dresses quite modestly. I applaud her bravery in the face of the oppression of women in Sudan. I do not understand why people in so many countries want to control what women wear. France is outlawing veils and coverings. Sudan is outlawing pants. Women the world over are being controlled by dress codes and other curtailments of freedoms.