I've not yet done any stranded knitting, fair isle or intarsia. Heck, I don't even really understand what's different about fair isle vs. intarsia. Except I guess I get that Fair Isle you are carrying both colors of yarn with you all through the row. Intarsia is just a mystery to me at this point. One thing at a time.
I picked up Noro Kuryon and some Dream in Color Smooshy for my Fake Isle hat. This pattern uses the color changes in the Noro to make the design look more complicated than it really is. Many people suggest this for a first Fair Isle pattern to try. This is also my first try to knit from a chart. Good times.
I have seen people alter this pattern by using their own knitting motif instead of the ones in the pattern. I would love to try that as well. I want this book - 1000 Great Knitting Motifs. Maybe if a few more people take advantage of the cheapest deal on K-Cups, I will be able to get a nice Amazon gift card and buy this book.