Hubby and 6 year old are at the Lowes Build and Grow clinic this morning building a speed boat. Little guy chose not to go and is happily playing with toys while I blog and drink my delicious Keurig coffee.
I have now officially gone into "extended unemployment" which means I have 20 weeks of the dole left before they cut me off. Thankfully my mom and dad have not given me a date when they will cut me off. If they did I would probably be in the Outer Banks hiding in a canoe or something drastic like that.
For back to school we are organizing the house. Target has a great sale right now and we picked up a 9 cube organizer and baskets to slide in the cubes. We labeled each of the 9 cubes with a different type of toy - cars, power rangers, g.i. joe, plastic animals, etc and went through and sorted all the toys. That's why little guy wanted to stay home this morning - he is having too much fun playing with all his sorted out toys.
This is great because it is keeping our living room from looking like Toys R Us exploded in it. The baskets are a nice neutral and the cube storage is espresso and matches our Ikea desks and book shelves. Great idea and it was on sale for 4o bucks.