Forget the rest of the story, which I think is pretty much that both sides guys dumbasses. The real story of the battle of "I am an important American scholar and Harvard Professor," and "I am a f*cking cop." (By the way - cop wins that argument at the time, even if not in history). The real story is what beers did these guys drink? Were they American beers? Were they crappy large scale commercial beers?
Obama: Bud Light
Gates: Sam Adams Light
Crowley: Blue Moon
Biden: Buckler (nonalcoholic)
Actually a microcosm - Bud's been bought and not just American anymore, and it's yucky to boot in my opinion. Sam Adams is an small American micro brewery gone big with a great quality beer. And named after an American Patriot to boot. Blue Moon is a Canadian beer made by Molson, and actually pretty tasty with a slice of orange served it in.
I have never had Buckler, which is made by Heineken. I do like Heineken, however.
Personally, I think that there are a lot of the world's problems that need to be solved over a beer. Beer is mildly alcoholic, not too strong, and long and cool enough to be enjoyed slowly while you chat. The slight alcohol will just take a bit of the edge off your day, with the understanding that the talk that goes on is just a bit more casual than at work. You let your guard down just a bit and face that other person as a person, in a social setting. You are polite - it's not time to do the arguing now, just having a beer. It's civilized, and the rules of etiquette apply, but it has that slight relaxed feel, rather than cocktails, or a formal tea.
I worked with a lady that I never really got along with too well, until one night on a trade show trip we shared a beer and got to talking and comparing notes about our other c0-workers. After that illuminating conversation where we both bitched about a third co-worker, we found ourselves in total accord at work and keep in touch to this day as part of our "professional network" for job searching in our technical field. Because of that beer, all the drama and stress was washed away and now I have a a stronger professional network to boot.
It would probably be a good idea if the UN got some beer in wholesale lots and set up a couple informal meetings here and there. For certain parts of the world, where beer won't work they could try a hookah bar or something, maybe?