After my good experience dealing with selling my gold online I was interested to see some ripoff warnings about some of the most advertised places that have you send in gold. Check out this article on called The Article Cash4Gold doesn't want you to read.
That's why I liked that the place I used (see first link) had their rates published on their home page. They also give you an itemized list of each type of gold you sent in, weight, and price offered.
It looks like from the reviews that local pawn shops are actually pretty fair about prices too. Good to know. I've got more to sell and I am going to do the same thing I did before and go with I used the money I made from them to clean my gutters. But of course after sent the stuff in to them I found 4 more things to sell. My husband's way back ex-girlfriend (from like 15 years ago) left 2 ugly plain wedding bands with him before she dumped him. (Yes, her loss is my gain - thank you.) Also found 2 things I forgot to send in before a broken chain and a locket I picked up at Goodwill for $7.48 that may or may not be real gold but looks real to me.