Thank you Mom! My mom is the way awesomest ever. We were discussing the concept of making home made yogurt and she proceeded to buy me a yogurt maker, spare container, and yogurt cheese strainer thingy to make greek yogurt. I am so excited - the mailman just rang the door bell and I got a fun package from Amazon.
It's been a nice day so far. I got 5 Power Rangers DVDs for my kids at Goodwill, plus a cashmere sweater and a tweed wool sweater which I am going to take apart. The DVDs are going in the Hanukkah presents pile. Good thinking, eh? Not bluray, nor even new, but great all the same.
I already picked up an extra gallon of organic milk, and some powdered milk, so I should be all set to make some yogurt this afternoon. After I do the dishes. Boo.
COMPANY A is flying me out to UNDISCLOSED LOCATION on Sept. 21st to interview for a position with their outsourcing group. Wow. I spent some time last night googling real estate there. There are a lot of older houses with treed lots, and seems like the newer houses don't have trees on the lots. Do they not believe in trees? What's up with that. Now I am freaking out thinking that I have to sell my house and move to UNDISCLOSED LOCATION. Umm... I was wondering, could COMPANY B please call me back for an interview. KTHANXBYE
EDITED TO REMOVE COMPANY NAMES and CITIES BECAUSE MY DAD SAID TO. (I am 41 but I still do what my parents tell me to.)