I read an interesting blog post on Chris Brogen's blog: How to Blog Almost Every Day.
Here are some of my blogging habits that help me find fresh ideas for posts: popurls.com is a nice aggregator of new web content. I also like to check Google.com/trends for the top web searches of the day. (Gives me ideas of what's buzzing at the moment). I love to check the Google news page for my blog tops as well as using Google alerts as another commenter noted.
I love to carry my small digital camera around with me so I can snap a quick picture of anything that catches my eye out in the world. I can also Twitter from my cell phone and have a Twitter feed on my blog, so that helps add fresh content when I am on the go and it's harder to do a full blog post.
Also, I advise don't stress over creating a post every day. It's fine to post every 1 to 3 days in general. Just keep the blog fresh and interesting. Keep your audience in mind - I like to have a fictional audience in my mind for each blog and pretend I am talking to that person when I post. For this personal my target blog audience is my mom! For my Crohn's Disease blog the audience is someone just diagnosed and wanting advice. On the Sci Fi blog my audience is my friends who are Sci Fi fans.
Remember - blog posts can be short. I completely agree with Chris that perfectionism is the enemy of forming good habits. Do not fear mistakes - just point yourself in a direction and keep going!