""If you've been watching for any length of time, and you still haven't looked into buying gold, what's wrong with you?...When the system eventually collapses, and the government comes with guns and confiscates, you know, everything in your home and all your possessions, and then you fight off the raving mad cannibalistic crowds that Ted Turner talked about, don't come crying to me. I told you: get gold."
We already knew that Glenn Beck is a fear mongering, rabble rousing, leach, sucking the lifeblood out of the the American people. Now we can see that he is a shill.
People, he is in it for the money and fame. Those who accuse Obama of having a cult of personality need to take a look at Glenn Beck's emotional gut twisting and fear mongering and then look at how he is using his show to promote fear, which then raises sale of investment gold. And here is shilling for "Goldline."