First of all, I just want to say to my mom that I promise I will buy a twin draft guard for my front door which is a little bit drafty. No need to call and give me a phone check.
Ok, now that we got that out of the way... I had 50 bucks of Amazon gift certs from selling K-Cups on Sale, and other items from Amazon. I also had some other blogging income of about $60.00. Amazon is offering free 2 day shipping on Kindle2 so the hubster told me to order it for my Christmakkah present.
I am really excited it is in route to me and I might get it tomorrow or at the latest Tuesday. Since we are leaving Wed. am for our drive to Columbus Ohio this is going to be great. I will have something to read when I get there. (No, I won't be reading in the car - I get carsick) But I can knit in the car as long as I don't have to read a pattern. Weird but true.
Something cool about the Kindle - I was able to already buy books for it. When I get it and turn it one they will automatically download. Here is what I bought: