Today I made latkes for the family. I wanted the kids to have that Hanukkah experience that I grew up with. Man grating those onions made me cry! Thankfully the food processor made quick work out of grating all the potatoes. I made WAY too many potato pancakes. Hubster and I ate a bunch and the kids ate like one a piece. My mother in law was taking a nap and didn't eat any yet but she said she would try one for breakfast.
I baked a chicken, as well, which we ended up saving for tomorrow night. That will be nice, having dinner already done. We were too full from latkes to eat any chicken! Man, after all those latkes I probably ought to check out some of that best fat burner stuff. (not really though :-D )
The kids got their Tag readers (will the books and animal cards that Grandma Jeanette sent) for their presents. Those went over really well. They both sat and listened to various books all evening. Adam especially was entranced by the way the Tag pen "read" the books to him. The Tag reader is a great learning toy for a kid at the age just before they are learning to read, I think. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I had a record player and some books that had the record with them. I loved listening to records on my little record player in a box. I remember I had one that was John Phillips Sousa Marches, including the one that opened up the Monty Python show. Weird how you remember stuff like that...
Ben and I are reading his first chapter book together. It's Junie B Jones and the Big Smelly Bus. He reads a few paragraphs in each chapter, and I read a few pages. He's doing really well with his reading, and the book is very funny so it its keeping our interest. We are all the way up to chapter 7! Grandma Jeanette sent a batch of chapter books in a boxed set. The boys also are getting books about their favorite animals - monkeys and owls. Those books I am going to give to the kids tomorrow night.