1. Don't wait for the perfect opportunity, for the stars to align, for the right backer. Just start.
2. Point yourself in a direction and take small steps. I promise you will get somewhere.
3. Communicate. Write, twitter, blog, draw it on a napkin. Unlock your creativity.
4. Not everyone is going to be the next Internet Millionaire. And that's OK. Don't let that scare you from making your own mark on the world. Small successes mean a lot too. You don't have to invent the next Slingbox to count yourself as a valued member of society.
5. Don't listen to people that want to put you down to build themselves up. They are everywhere and they are an insidious influence.
6. Don't be afraid to fail. If something's not working out, don't be afraid to scrap the idea if it no longer has value to you. Try something else.
7. If something's not making you money but you enjoy it, do it anyway. Why not. It's called a hobby. Everyone needs one. Or two.
8. Change with the seasons. People's buying habits (and surfing habits) change with the season so work with that. Think about the calendar and what holidays and events are coming up two months from now - start marketing ahead for those. When the rush comes you will be ready.
For Seth Godin's original list -