... and some days you are the bug. Today was a bug day for me. I did finish a sort of big task at work, so that was good. But in general... blech. This is one of those weeks where I just have to hang in there til Friday and then I can get some rest.
I got my hair done - now I have chunky blond-ish highlights. Yeah, I am not so crazy about those either. After a couple of days trying to get used to it I think I am going to ask my hairdresser to tone them down a bit.
Here's a tip for you - if you are thinking of buying an expensive colon cleanser - save your money and buy a bottle of prune juice or a bag of nice soft dried plums. Those will do the trick, not bad for you, and a lot cheaper. To tell you the truth, the colon is a self cleansing organ. All those horror stories the alternative clinics tell you is not really true. Take it from anyone who has had to do a medical cleanse - there's nothing magical about it.