Did you ever have a week when you have nothing to say? A lot of people say that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. My mom never really said that one. LOL.
But it's not thing to keep in mind. I had a pretty hard week so far so I am laying low and trying to survive it. Wish me luck.
The kids enjoyed some Dr. Seuss's birthday activities at both of their schools on Tuesday. Ben brought the Sneetches and Other Stories, and Adam brought The Cat in the Hat Comes Back. Adam had "crazy sock day" at school today but guess what - he wouldn't wear any crazy socks. He is one of those kids who are extremely picky about their socks and he will only wear certain ones. He calls any other socks that do not meet his standards "too fancy." As it, "These socks are too fancy." He's a trip, my little one. :-) Brings me back to when I was a kid and drove my mom crazy complaining when clothes were scratchy.
Well, I am going to get back to shipping boxes. Again, wish me luck. Please. I need it.