Breathing is in the very meaning of the
word inspiration. The etymology, or word origin, of inspiration comes
from the Latin word "inspiratus." That is formed by the prefix in (as
in into) and spirare meaning "blow." Together they form the meaning "inspire, inflame, blow into."
divine "breathes" creativity into us. Like blowing into a fire, making
the flames leap higher, inspiration is a breath that expands the ideas
and feelings in our minds or hearts. Like a cosmic thermogenic fat burner lighting us up from within.
Inspire yourself
first and then share with others. Just like when you are flying and
the safety video tells you that in the event of a loss of cabin
pressure affix your own oxygen mask first, then that of the child you
are in charge of - you need to first take the time and energy to keep
yourself inspired before you can be a leader and inspire others.
inspires you? I am inspired by reading the great thoughts of writers
who have come before us and taken the time to write down their ideas.
I am inspired by nature all around me. From a butterfly, or a green
leaf, to a flower or a red cardinal flying around my yard, I am
constantly being reminded to open my eyes and really see the world
around me. My biggest source of inspiration is my husband. A hug from
him makes me smile and recharges my emotional batteries. A little joke
from him makes me laugh and lightens the load of day to day cares and