1. It's fun a fun project and they get to eat the results!
2. Cooking teaches math skill such as measuring, fractions, time, and temperature.
3. Cooking teaches reading and following directions, as well as artistry and creativity.
4. Kids need to learn how to cook - its a life skill! I am so thankful my Mom and my best friend's mom taught me how to cook.
5. Good cooking will including talking about good nutrition and can lead to a lifetime love of good fresh food. You're kids are not going to grow up searching out fake stuff like powdered antioxidents in a bottle or herbal weight loss formulas. Instead give them the gift of a love of real fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, and spices. You are literally training their taste buds to appreciate fresh flavors of real foods.
6. Learning about shopping for ingredients is a great way to introduce idea of money management.
7. Shopping and cooking also brings u[ the idea of the value of money and time. For example, why do we pay more for prepared foods, or restaurant foods? Why can't we afford to order pizza every night?
8. Kids are more likely to eat something they had a hand in making. This includes veggies and new foods to try.
9. Its like an insurance policy against poverty. In life we are always going to have ups and downs. The fundamentals that we learn as kids (or even later as adults) can help us through those down spots. When money is tight is sure is wonderful to know how to take a few cheap ingredients and put together great home cooking on a dime.
10. Cooking family dishes teaches kids their ethnic roots. Cooking dishes from around the world teaches about world cultures. Cooking classic American favorites gives them a place of reference with their generation. It's a win win situation whatever you chose to make.
11. What a wonderful way to spend quality time with your family. You can't get any better than that.