After our two dogs passed away a few years ago, we've been pet free. Well, unless you count the salt water fishes. We've been talking about getting a dog for awhile, and have had our eye out at pet rescue places. Most of the dogs they have for adoption are big dogs, and we want a small dog. Of course at the same time we each have our idea of the perfect dog.
We finally found a sweet quiet tempered little doggy to call our own. He's a 2-3 year old Chihuahua and we're naming him Biscuit. LOL! Yes, a Chihuahua. But during the hour we spent with him at the animal shelter we never heard him bark once. He's a bit timid, a bit standoffish, but he wags his tail and allowed us to pet his royal self and was very happy sitting on laps. He wasn't scared of the kids and let them pet him too. He was just playing it cool. I think that once he comes home with us on Tuesday (after he gets fixed) he will get more comfortable. He was really interested in the other dogs at the shelter, but didn't bark at them either.
I didn't snap a picture of him, but he's brown with a white spot on his forehead. He's 8 pounds, not super tiny, and he's a skinny little guy so we will fatten him up just a little. And hopefully walking him around will give me some exercise, better than weight loss drinks. I believe he was a stray, and then rescued and brought to the shelter. We paid $75 bucks for him and he comes with all his shots and neutering, and a microchip too, so that's a pretty decent deal. (Ha - free puppy, right ---- the cost comes later!!!)
We are all really excited and busy setting up his new crate. When we go to pick him up on Tuesday we are bringing some Kong toys to donate for the big dogs at the shelter - The Cherokee County Animal Shelter. They had so many beautiful labs and American mutt mixes. I saw three Jack Russell terriers too, if you like a small dog with a lot of energy. (Boing, boing, boing!)