I have a bunch of blogs, twitter, squidoo pages, facebook... I am all over the place. But I still retain my privacy pretty well I think. I don't like to air my dirty laundry in front of the world. I am always surprised that people will do that - like go on reality TV and show the world how they scream at their kids.
I am usually trying NOT to let the world hear me screaming at my kids. Heh heh heh.
There is enough imperfections in my life without me having to highlight them. I guess denial is working for me. I do the best I can and I think we all are doing the best we can. And that's pretty good.
At the same time I think its really bad luck to walk around saying everything in your life is perfect and wonderful. That's just asking for trouble. So I guess maybe its ok to blog about one or two perfectly chosen "bad" things. Yeah - that's the ticket. Just enough to make your readers relate to you and make you seem human. But not enough to make you look freaking pitiful.
So does anyone have any recommendations on how to get rid of belly fat? If I ever get the gumption and money together I would love to have a tummy tuck. Honestly, getting rid of the fat wouldn't even take care of my problem. I have a gosh darn Kangaroo pouch. Not cool, man... not cool.