The kids and I both had today off for President's Day. On Thursday I asked Jin if he wanted to do a weekend trip, thinking maybe we would drive to the North Georgia Mountains or something nearby. He said "Hey, do you want to go visit Melissa for the weekend?" My friend Melissa moved to Tampa about 8 months ago.
So we messages Mel and since she was free we packed up the kids and the dog and took off after I got out of work on Friday. We got there about 3:00 in the morning! We had a whirlwind weekend - drove the 45 minutes to Orlando on Saturday and saw Sea World. All that walking is the best lower ab workout ever. After Sea World we went to Downtown Disney and ate at the T-Rex restaurant and the kids got to build their own remote controlled cars at Ride Makerz.
Sunday we chilled at Melissa's pool, barbequed up some steaks, and had a nice relaxing day.
Today we drove home and got home at about 4:00 PM. Wow - what a trip. Here is a picture of one of the Orcas leaping at the Shamu show at Sea World.